Come celebrate 30 years of hope at The Shawshank Woodshop -- the museum in the building where all the woodworking scenes were shot, and where you'll thrill to the world's largest collection of screen-used vehicles and hands-on props from the world's favorite film. Complete your trip to redemption at "Shawshank West."

Located in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, our museum is about a one-hour drive west of the Ohio State Reformatory.
You can visit all the locations on the Shawshank Trail -- including ours -- in the same day.
Click on the sections below to see some of the movie rarities that await you here at the Shawshank Woodshop.
See why the cast & crew love returning to The Shawshank Woodshop.
And check out the videos and photos in the Brooks Hatlen Media Library (here).

"They started it all." Frank Darabont
He's talking about Bill and April Mullen, founders of The Shawshank Woodshop. They bought the place in 2002, with a prayer and a dream: "What if we could restore it to the way it looked in the movie, to bring people joy?" Phone calls. Emails. Meetings. The Mullens worked tirelessly.
Finally, their hard work paid off and their prayers were answered by a well-known villain: Bob Gunton, the evil Warden Norton himself. The first cast member to lend support for the first reunion events, Mr Gunton is fondly known as "The Ambassador of Shawshank."
"Bob helped us get our project on wheels," quips Bill.
Click here to read more about the history of the building, and how Bill and April's passion set in motion the series of events that led to the thriving tourism stream that brings fans from all over the world to central Ohio.
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"And, for the briefest of moments...every last man at Shawshank felt free."
- Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding

CONTACT US: (419) 835-5163
The Shawshank Woodshop
226 S 8th Street
Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
Tel: (419) 835-5163
By appointment:
Call today.